Monday, November 27, 2006

Printz Award Winner


Myers, Walter Dean. 1999. MONSTER. New York: HarperCollins.


Steve Harmon is a sixteen-year-old young man in jail for being part of a robbery that resulted in a murder. He is on trial and dictates the courtroom drama in his screenplay for a film about his experience. He is accused of being the “lookout man” for the others committing the robbery of the drugstore. Steve is ultimately acquitted of the murder, but questions remain about his involvement. His relationship with his family has changed forever.


MONSTER is a unique contemporary realistic fiction novel about a decidedly difficult subject. Myers does not gloss over the realities of life in jail or the stress of having to be on trial for murder. Through the voice of Steve, the reader is taken into a realistic murder trial from the perspective of the defendant. The characters in the novel are believable, and Myers has created a realistic setting by not glossing over the harsh realities and fears Steve experiences in the jail. In one journal entry, Steve tells about life in jail. “…I hate this place so much…If you look at somebody, they say ‘What you looking at me for? I’ll mess you up!’”(p 45).

The writing style Myers uses to tell the story is fresh and unique. By writing it as a screenplay, this novel may appeal to reluctant readers, especially teenage boys. The plot is well constructed, leading the reader on a journey to find out the truth of what happened. By reading about the choices Steve has made and consequences he may face, readers are exposed to the realities of what mistakes can cost you. The theme in this story is not overpowering, but certainly readers can take from it many lessons about making positive choices.

Overall, MONSTER brings readers into the mind of Steve Harmon through his screenplay and handwritten notes. Christopher Myers illustrations throughout the novel add to the harsh realities of Steve’s life in jail and the fears he is experiencing during his trial.


Michael L. Printz Award Winner
Corretta Scot King Honor Award
National Book Award Finalist

“Many elements of this story are familiar, but Myers keeps it fresh and alive by telling it from an unusual perspective.” –School Library Journal

“Myers combines an innovative format, complex moral issues, and an intriguingly sympathetic but flawed protagonist in this cautionary tale of a 16-year-old on trial for felony murder.” –Booklist


**Use the screenplay to create a dramatic readers theater script.

**Have students create their own screenplay of a life-changing event in their lives.

Newbery Award Winner


DiCamillo, Kate. 2003. THE TALE OF DESPEREAUX: BEING THE STORY OF A MOUSE, A PRINCESS, SOME SOUP, AND A SPOOL OF THREAD. Ill. By Timothy Basil Ering. Cambridge: Candlewick Press.


Despereaux is a very small mouse born to be greater than a simple mouse. He enjoys reading and instantly falls in love with the beautiful Princess Pea. However, by talking to her, he has broken an essential mouse rule, and he is punished by being sent to the castle’s dungeon. Meanwhile, the story diverts to tell the reader about a rat in the dungeon who goes by the name Roscuro. He is drawn to light and ventures into the castle, ultimately ending up in the queen’s soup. The sweet Princess Pea shouts with complete disgust, “A Rat.” He decides to get revenge on this princess. Mig, an orphaned girl comes to live in the castle and Roscuro draws her into his plan. They kidnap the princess and only Despereaux can lead this story to a happily ever after ending.


THE TALE OF DESPEREAX is an endearing animal fantasy tale that children will delight in reading. DiCamillo’s writing style is reminiscent of classic fairy tales, and she has created memorable characters with rich detail in her descriptions of their appearance and personalities. Each character is fully drawn out, with flaws and strengths revealed. For example, even the king’s weaknesses are pointed out. “He was nearsighted. He made ridiculous, unreasonable, difficult-to enforce laws. And, much in the way of Miggery Sow, he was not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer” (211). Even with these faults, though, the king still has an extraordinary quality to “love with the whole of his heart” (211). By creating characters with flaws, they are realistic and relatable.

The plot is told in four books, each focusing and introducing a different character. Finally, the story culminates in a finale with Despereaux becoming a true hero and “knight in shining armor.” DiCamillo has created a voice in the writing that is like a teacher gently giving her pupils important information. For example, as Despereaux gains the courage to save the princess, he says he is on a quest. Then, the narrator of the story encourages the reader to say the word aloud and provides a definition. Many times throughout the story, this “narrator” addresses the reader, and this technique has a gentle tone, making the lessons understood.

The theme of THE TALE OF DESPERAUX is good vs. evil. Many times DiCamillo refers to light and darkness as a figurative representation of good verses evil. The tiny mouse Despereaux lives in the light, but is banished to the dark dungeon of the castle, where he is surrounded by evil. The rats live in the dungeon, but Roscuro is drawn to the light of the upstairs. Ultimately, though he brings the princess to the dark dungeon to make her suffer along with him. The theme is also about the power of love.

Overall, THE TALE OF DESPERAEUX is a delightful story about an unlikely hero. Throughout the book, there are adorable sketch illustrations that depict the action of the story. The theme of good overcoming evil is timeless, and the tiniest mouse as a hero makes this tale unique.


2004 Newbery Award Winner

“With a masterful hand, DiCamillo weaves four story lines together in a witty, suspenseful narrative that begs to be read aloud. In her authorial asides, she hearkens back to literary traditions as old as those used by Henry Fielding. In her observations of the political machinations and follies of rodent and human societies, she reminds adult readers of George Orwell. But the unpredictable twists of plot, the fanciful characterizations, and the sweetness of tone are DiCamillo's own. This expanded fairy tale is entertaining, heartening, and, above all, great fun.” –School Library Journal

“Forgiveness, light, love, and soup. These essential ingredients combine into a tale that is as soul stirring as it is delicious.” –Booklist (Starred Review)


**Learn more about the author and her writing style. Present interviews she has participated in on how she writes.

**Other books readers may like:


The Giver


Lowry, Lois. 1993. THE GIVER. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.


Jonas, a young boy about to turn twelve, lives in an utopian society with rules for living that creates a world of sameness. Each family is limited to having only two children, and women chosen as “Birthmothers” deliver those children. The Elders give each person in this society a job, so choosing one’s life is not an option. Jonas is chosen to be the new “Receiver of Memory,” and he learns the truth about the world he lives in. It is not as perfect as it may seem.


In this modern fantasy and science fiction novel, it is the setting that draws the reader into the story. Thorough a subtle description, the reader comes to find out that the world Jonas lives in is far different from our own world. The rules of the world have been altered, and this new society’s rules play an important role in Jonas’s life. Lowry’s writing style is straightforward, and pulls the reader into the action of this fantasy. From the first chapter, there is a sense of mystery created in the text. The suspense of the airplane overhead helps the reader understand that this story takes place in a very different type of society.

The characters in THE GIVER are revealed through the observations of Jonas, the young protagonist at the center of the story. The experiences and thoughts of Jonas introduce the reader to his family and friends. From the beginning, the reader is drawn into the complex thoughts of Jonas as he tries to find precise words to describe how he feels about the upcoming Assignment Ceremony. Each character is unique and presented in a full way. The reader sees the strengths and weaknesses of Jonas and his family. In fact, it is an alarming scene where Jonas discovers his father has to kill a baby who is not thriving properly, that Jonas comes to hate this supposed utopian society.

Perhaps the most effective aspect to the story is the plot. From the first chapter, the reader is drawn into the anxiety Jonas is experiencing as he awaits his assignment from the Elders. As he experiences the unknown, the drama and anticipation in the plot make this a true page-turner. The original plot line makes this story unpredictable and exciting, and as Jonas discovers his Assignment, the mystery continues. He is selected to be the “Receiver of Memory,” and as the plot continues, it us clearly building to a climax. The story is well constructed, engaging and exciting.

The theme of THE GIVER is certainly the strength of the story. By creating a character that young people can identify with, the questions he asks are relevant and will bring the reader to ask questions about their own life and world around them. The book raises many questions about life without moralizing. Instead, the reader is intrigued and pulled into the plot, bringing the reader on a unique journey of discovery about life and its purpose. What if everyone were the same? What if we had no choices, and our lives were decided for us? What if everyone had to be perfect? These questions and many more are raised in THE GIVER, making it an excellent novel to spark conversation and debate. Even the ending leaves the reader with many questions.


1994 Newbery Medal Winner

“The author makes real abstract concepts, such as the meaning of a life in which there are virtually no choices to be made and no experiences with deep feelings. This tightly plotted story and its believable characters will stay with readers for a long time.” –School Library Journal

“With a storyline that hints at Christian allegory and an eerie futuristic setting, this intriguing novel calls to mind John Christopher's Tripods trilogy and Hans Christian Andersen's The Little Match Girl. Lowry is once again in top form--raising many questions while answering few, and unwinding a tale fit for the most adventurous readers.” –Publishers Weekly


**Discuss “Utopia” and have students create rules they think would create a perfect world.

**Using these rules, discuss the changes and consequences following the rules would create.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Historical Fiction-Audiobook


Avi. 2002. CRISPIN: THE CROSS OF LEAD. New York: Hyperion. ISBN: 0786808284

Avi. 2002. CRISPIN: THE CROSS OF LEAD. Read by Ron Keith. New York: Recorded Books. CD. ISBN: 1402545533


CRISPIN: THE CROSS OF LEAD tells the tale of a young boy known to all as “Asta’s Son.” He has been raised in a small English village in the fourteenth century. When his mother dies, he is suddenly falsely accused of stealing and must leave the village. Before fleeing, he learns his true name from the village priest. He is Crispin, and the priest presents him with a cross of lead. Because the boy cannot read, he does not know what is written on it.

As he flees, he meets Bear, a very large man and juggler, who takes him on as his subject and apprentice. They reach the large town of Wexley, and Crispin sees city life for the first time. Still being hunted, Bear is taken prisoner, and Crispin learns his true identity. He is the illegitimate son of Lord … Crispin is able to negotiate his dear friend Bear’s release, and after a struggle with the steward resulting in his death, Bear and Crispin are freed.


In the historical fiction, CRISPIN: CROSS OF LEAD, Avi expertly creates the setting of fourteenth century England. The descriptions of the village create a world unlike our modern day. Avi describes village life and the role of the servant class like Crispin and his mother. As Crispin leaves the village, his vivid descriptions of his journey with Bear further add to the sense of place in the story. As Crispin experiences city life for the first time, the reader is drawn into the sights and smells of city life.

The characters in the story are made real through the dialog and descriptions by the young Crispin. For example, as the reader is introduced to Bear, Crispin first describes his physical characteristics in great detail. Then, when he is aroused from sleep, Bear interacts with Crispin in a playful dialog that further introduces the reader to the type of person Bear is. The villains in the story are not as vivid, but this is typical in traditional literature stories. Both Crispin and Bear are brought to life and believable in both the dialog and experiences they share together in the story.

The story is captivating because of the mystery of who Crispin is. The reader is drawn into the mystery and adventure of Crispin’s journey to find himself. The drama and suspense throughout the story make it a captivating story, and each chapter leaves the reader wanting more information. The theme of the story is timeless and relevant to young people today. Crispin is trying to find his true self, and by the story’s conclusion he has done just that. He finds his identity and is made free by his master and friend Bear.

Audio book Review

In reviewing the unabridged audio book, the story was expertly read by Ron Keith. Keith is a British actor of stage and television. Keith’s pronunciations were perfect, and he did an excellent job of creating unique voices for each character when reading the dialog portions of the text. The listening experience was interesting and absorbing. At the conclusion of each chapter, I was left wanting more. In listening to this story, I think it was effective because of the rich vocal quality of Keith and his accent.

The audio book was in CD format and consisted of six CDs in the hard plastic case. On the cover of the disc set, the cover art from the book is presented, and on the back of the case, a short summary of the book is presented. There is also a short paragraph providing biographical information on Ron Keith. The CD case also includes a recommended age for listening. It is recommended for those age ten and up.


“Avi has done an excellent job of integrating background and historical information, of pacing the plot so that the book is a page-turner from beginning to end, and of creating characters for whom readers will have great empathy. The result is a meticulously crafted story, full of adventure, mystery, and action.”—School Library Journal

Audio book:

“Ron Keith's rough British accent and low tones lure the reader into a world where, for most people, their village is all they ever know, disease is a constant danger, and one word from a powerful person means death. Keith's slow pacing creates a world of confusion and inner strength for Crispin, building the tension as he is hunted down while fitting together the pieces to the puzzle of whom he really is. Keith's multi-voiced narration adds to the subtle differences between the characters.”--Audiofile


**Learn more about the Middle Ages through the following books:
Everyday life in medieval Europe / by Neil Grant.
Life in the Middle Ages. The countryside / by Kathryn Hinds.
Medieval society / Kay Eastwood.
**Create a reader’s theatre script of some of the chapters

Historical Fiction


Curtis, Christopher Paul. 1999. BUD, NOT BUDDY. New York: Scholastic


BUD, NOT BUDDY takes place in Michigan during the depression era. Bud is an orphaned ten-year-old boy who sets off to find his father, escaping an abusive foster home. Relying on the subtle clues his mother left him, Bud believes a bass player featured in the flier for a musical group is his long, lost father. The book follows Bud while he is on the lamb, from his attempt to jump on a train to walking from Flint to Grand Rapids. A kind man picks Bud up from the side of the road and takes him to Grand Rapids and the man Bud believes is his father. In a touching turn of events, Bud learns that Herman E. Calloway is not his father but his grandfather.


BUD, NOT BUDDY is set against the desperate time of the American Depression, and the story includes many issues that were important during this period of time. From shantytowns to unionization, Bud experiences history, and the reader learns about the period through the eyes of a funny, creative young boy. The story is told in first person from Bud’s point of view. By utilizing this technique, the reader is drawn into the humorous observations Bud makes about his world. For example, Bud has “Rules and Things for Having a Funner Life and Making a Better Liar Out of Yourself.” These rules scattered throughout the story add humor.

The setting of BUD, NOT BUDDY is described by Bud himself, so young children reading this book will easily picture the sites and experiences of the depression era. From standing in line for food to Hooperville, the shantytown by the railroad tracks, Bud reveals to the reader the desperate situations people of all situations experienced during the Depression. It is in this shantytown that Bud sees a family of white people off to themselves, not accepting help from anyone, especially black people. This little observation brings to light the discrimination that went on during this period, even among the poor.

It is the character of Bud, though, that captures the reader and makes the story fun and endearing at the same time. Bud is likable and curious, and young people can certainly relate to his clever ideas and wit. Some parts of the book are laugh out loud funny. The characters he meets along the way are believable and integral to the story. The story does not focus on the history; it is merely part of the story. The story draws the reader in through the curiosity of Bud, and the experiences and observations Bud makes allows the reader to learn about the era in an authentic way.

The plot of the story moves quickly. Bud sets out on a journey to find his father, and the journey he embarks on is full of suspense and moments of perceived danger. However, Bud is never harmed and instead learns about the world around him. The dialog captures the speech of the era. Bud is trying to discover who he is by finding his father’s identity. Ultimately, Bud finds out about his family and the power of love. The anguish his grandfather experiences as he learns Bud’s identity is moving and powerful.

Curtis’ writing style is fun and witty. Bud is such an endearing character, that the world he inhabits seems real. The descriptions are written from a young person’s point of view, so young children will be able to relate to the places and experiences Bud describes. The use of first person allows the reader to truly experience the Depression era, but the text is not laden with too many historical facts or details that might make the text too cumbersome. Instead, the reader experiences history through the eyes and adventures of a young, curious, vivacious boy…Bud, Not Buddy.


“The lively humor contrasts with the grim details of the Depression-era setting and the particular difficulties faced by African Americans at that time.”—School Library Journal

“Told in the boy's naive, desperate voice, with lots of examples of his survival tactics (‘Rules and Things for Having a Funner Life and Making a Better Liar out of Yourself’), this will make a great read-aloud. Curtis says in an afterward that some of the characters are based on real people, including his own grandfathers, so it's not surprising that the rich blend of tall tale, slapstick, sorrow, and sweetness has the wry, teasing warmth of family folklore.”—Booklist

“While the grim conditions of the times and the harshness of Bud's circumstances are authentically depicted, Curtis shines on them an aura of hope and optimism.”—Publishers Weekly


**Have children make their own list of rules for life.

**Learn more about unions, and invite a local railroad union (or other union official) to be a guest speaker.

**Share more about the Great Depression through the following books:

Historical Fiction


Lasky, Kathryn. 2004. BLOOD SECRET. New York: Harper Collins.


Jerry is a fourteen-year-old girl traumatized by the disappearance of her mother. As a result, she has been struck with selective mutism. She lives in many Catholic Charities homes before being sent to live with her great-great-aunt Constanza. There, she discovers an old trunk in the basement, and begins to discover her family’s past. The items inside reveal the lives of many distant relatives from Spain. Jerry discovers the tragic stories of her ancestors, who were Jewish during the Spanish Inquisition. Jerry slowly finds her voice as she discovers the truth of her Jewish background and the horrible atrocities her ancestors faced from being baptized by force to being burned at the stake.


The setting of BLOOD SECRET begins in modern day Colorado; however, as the story unfolds the settings begin to change. Jerry moves in with her aunt in New Mexico and discovers an old trunk in her basement. The moment she opens the trunk, the setting moves to Seville, Spain,1391. Lasky provides the reader with a subtitle as the reader is taken from the modern day to another time and place.

Lasky does a good job of introducing the reader to the sights and experiences of the Jewish people in fourteenth century Spain. Each time Jerry returns to the trunk, a new character’s story is revealed. As each new character from the past is introduced, Lasky provides a subtitle, place and time and the character’s name. The story moves back and forth from modern day, to fourteenth and fifteenth century Spain, and ultimately Mexico in the seventeenth century. Each time change introduces the reader to a new character, and they tell their story in first person.

The plot of the story is sometimes complicated because the author introduces so many new characters throughout history. The story covers a great deal of time, as more that five hundred years pass as Jerry unfolds the secrets of her family’s past. However, as each character reveals their story in first person, their stories come to life. The reader learns about the daily life for Jews in Spain. The hardships and discrimination are plainly described. The violence toward the Jews is not sugarcoated. Through the character, Luis, the reader learns of the most horrible fate some Jews faced by the Inquisitors. He witnesses the construction of a quemadero or place of burning, where his own parents are killed by being burned alive.

The author’s style allows the reader to understand the language and customs introduced. Often, throughout the story, Spanish or Hebrew phrases are introduced, and Lasky very fluidly provides the definitions for these phrases. However, the book does not employ this too often, which might have made the book more difficult to understand. The author also utilizes first person narratives from the characters, allowing the authentic voice of each character to be heard. The book is well researched and authentic but does not overwhelm the reader with facts from the period. In fact, the reader instead experiences the Spanish Inquisition from the perspective of those who were persecuted.

Perhaps the most effective aspect of this story is the theme presented. At the opening of the story, young Jerry is unable to speak and struck with selective mutism. As she discovers the history of her people, she slowly regains her voice. It is as if she is lost and then found. Her ancestors have reached through time to tell their story and reveal her true identity. She learns the reasons for her great-great-aunt’s superstitions and comes to understand why her family has lost their Jewish heritage.

Overall, this story is told in a unique fashion. It is revealed slowly and methodically, weaving back and forth from past to present. The book is somewhat difficult to follow because of the amount of time covered. However, the author does provide a family tree, which may assist readers with the timeline. The books powerful message of finding ones true self rings true for any reader, no matter their background, making it a relevant story for all young people.


“The story of Jerry's ancestors is skillfully interwoven with that of her present life. With each glimpse into her past, she is drawn more into her own family circle with her aunt. A well-told and satisfying story”—School Library Journal

“The esoteric time lapses that lead into the ancestors' stories are vague and contrived, as are some of the complicated connections between generations. Even so, Lasky's quiet, layered novel introduces history, particularly from a Jewish perspective, that's rarely covered in books for youth while asking sophisticated questions about faith, the legacy of persecution, the power of silence, and the deep mysteries of what's passed between generations.”--Booklist


**Learn more about the Jewish holidays and traditions described in the book. See: JEWISH HOLIDAYS ALL YEAR ROUND: A FAMILY TREASURY written by Ilene Cooper; illustrated by Elivia Savadier in association with the Jewish Museum, New York.
CELBRATIONS: OUR JEWISH HOLIDAYS written and illustrated by Melanie Hope Greenberg.THE FAMILY TREASURY OF JEWISH HOLIDAYS by Malka Drucker; illustrated by Nancy Patz